How Much Time Can Low-Code Development Save on a Project?

How Much Time Can Low-Code Development Save on a Project?


In an era where "time is money," businesses seek efficiency in every process, especially in software development. Low-code platforms promise a solution to time-intensive traditional coding. But exactly how much time can one expect to save with low-code development?

1.Rapid Prototyping

Traditional development might require weeks, if not months, to produce a working prototype. Low-code platforms, with their drag-and-drop functionality, can reduce this to mere days or even hours. This immediate feedback loop allows businesses to validate ideas and make iterations quickly.

2.Reduced Coding Efforts

In traditional development, much time is dedicated to writing, reviewing, and debugging lines of code. Low-code platforms reduce the need for manual coding by offering pre-built components and functionalities, trimming development hours significantly.

3.Streamlined Integration

Low-code platforms often come with out-of-the-box integrations for popular systems like CRMs, ERPs, and databases. Instead of dedicating weeks to building custom integrations, developers can now set them up in days, if not hours.

4.Simplified Testing

With reduced code, the scope and complexity of testing diminish. While testing remains crucial, the time saved by not having to scour through thousands of lines of code for bugs can be substantial.

5.Seamless Deployment

Deployment processes can be automated and simplified with low-code platforms, enabling faster transitions from development to production environments.

6.Empowerment of Citizen Developers

Low-code platforms allow those without deep coding expertise (citizen developers) to contribute. By expanding the pool of contributors, the development process can be expedited, especially for less complex features.

7.Maintaining and Updating

Post-deployment, changes and updates to the application can be made swiftly. The visual nature of low-code platforms facilitates understanding and modifying the application without diving deep into raw code.

Quantifying the Savings

While the exact time saved will vary based on the project's complexity and specific requirements, industry reports suggest low-code can reduce development times by50-90%**. However, this range can be influenced by various factors, including the project's size, the team's familiarity with the platform, and the complexity of integrations.

Case Study

'HealthFlow,' a healthcare management solution, planned a 6-month timeline for their new app using traditional development. Switching to a low-code platform, they managed to launch in just 2.5 months, halving the initial projection, without compromising on quality or functionality.


Low-code development stands out as a beacon for efficiency in the software world. While the exact time saved can vary, the consensus is clear: low-code significantly accelerates the development process. For businesses looking to capitalize on opportunities swiftly or those working with tight deadlines, it's a game-changer.

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